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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools

PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

Welcome to Durrington Infant and Junior School's PTA (Parent and Teachers Association)

When you support us, you're not just baking a cake, attending an event, or giving up your time by volunteering – you're buying play equipment for your child to use at break time, technology for their classroom, books for the school library and fun learning experiences.  You're also making new friends, strengthening the school community, and helping to make your child's school an even better place. It's great for the kids too – there's a direct link between parental involvement at school and how well children do.  Being involved in the PTA not only improves your child's school, it makes you an excellent role model.

We all have something to give.  Even if you have little ones at home or you only have a small amount of time, could you come to a meeting or help set up an event?  Perhaps you have a professional skill you could help us out with?  Or maybe you run a business that could support us at an event.  You don't have to come into the school; many of our volunteering tasks can be done from home.  The most important skills you can bring are enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in.

We believe the role of the PTA is vital in supporting the school in providing the best education and opportunities possible for your children.  We hope that our fundraising activities will financially benefit the school by helping to fund educational equipment and school trips that the school would otherwise be unable to afford.

Upcoming events will be shared in our PTA Newsletter and we hold regular PTA meetings where anyone who is interested in helping out can join us.

If you are interested in finding out more about the PTA please do email us at  PTA@dfed.co.uk for a Parent Questionnaire.

The PTA received charity status in 2023.

PTA You can Help and Support our School

pta help and support our school.pdf

pta match funding.pdf


 PTA Newsletter

pta newsletter april 2024.pdf


Newsletter - September 2023

What the PTA has Funded


what the pta funded 2024.pdf

 PTA Funded - 2023

Meet the PTA

meet the pta may 2024.pdf