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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools

Welcome to Year 5

We are looking forward to working with you in year 5 and have lots of exciting things planned over the course of our school year.

 Blackman Class Teacher: Miss Willows

Rundell Class Teacher: Miss Bailey


Year 5 LSAs: Mrs Tugwell and Mrs Horgan



The Year 5 area is based opposite the dining hall and the music and art rooms.  Our cloakroom doors are opposite the bike racks at the front of the school.


Our topics in Year 5 are:


Autumn term - 'Who Let the Gods Out?'

We will be learning about the rich history of the ancient Greek civilisation and will explore its many myths and legends. To support our learning in this topic, we will be reading the key text ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ by Maz Evans.

Spring term - 'Behind the Vines'

We will be learning about the vivid and wild world of rainforests. This topic will be geography based with the children learning about the life within rainforest biomes. Our key text will be 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell.

Summer term – ‘What do you Sphynx?’

We will be learning about the revered history of the ancient Egyptians, exploring the pyramids, pharaohs and religion in Egyptian society. With so many interesting opportunities to consider, our key text is still to be decided...


We are really excited about the learning you will be a part of this year and are looking forward to getting to know you all! 

Year 5 team