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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools

Welcome to Year 2

We have three classes called Giraffe, Lion and Zebra. 

What do you know about these animals?

Giraffe Class Teacher: Miss Hagan

Lion Class Teacher: Mrs Roy

Zebra Class Teacher: Mr Burrows

Year 2 LSAs are Mrs Shaw, Mr Heater, Mrs Vizla, Mrs Pryzocki and Miss Jackson

Year 2 classrooms are based in the main Infant school building which was built in the Victorian era!  We have separate art areas and access onto the main school playground from our classrooms. 

A day in year 2 involves a regular morning routine including daily phonics, reading, writing, and maths lessons.  The afternoons are busy with exciting and imaginative learning opportunities, covering computing, PE, geography, science, design technology, art and design, music, RE and Education 4 Safeguarding.  What a busy day! 

Our playtime starts at 10:15am and is 15 minutes long.  Our lunchtime starts at 12:00pm (midday) and is 45 minutes long.  Fruit will be provided for the children to eat at playtime, however they are welcome to bring their own if they wish.  We are promoting healthy eating so please ensure snacks are fruit or vegetables.  Children must bring a named water bottled filled with water every day so they can stay hydrated.


Our topics in Year 2 are:

 Autumn term – “Victory Over Villains”.

We begin our learning in Year 1 with the story of “Supertato” and, using the Talk For Writing approach, the children will innovate the story to make their own version. We will then move on to the traditional tale, "The Three Little Pigs", where the focus will be on describing the setting. The children will also write instructions on how to trap a wolf! We also have a “superhero day” where the children will be in training so that they can be victorious over the villains they meet this term! As the term progresses, we learn about the Gunpowder Plot in history. We begin to look at the changing seasons, and how the darker evenings and nights can be fun, reinforcing the quality of being brave! As we enter December, we will focus upon Christmas and all that the festive period involves!

Spring term - 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.

This topic will focus upon the story by Michael Rosen and the children will be involved in creating their own version of the story as well as using computing skills to add animations to stories. The children will enjoy finding out about toys, old and new, as well as finding out how the teddy bear got its name. They will continue to explore the seasons and how the weather changes, especially focussing upon spring and Easter. The children will be finding out about a range of animals and how they can be classified into different groups. They will also become familiar with their habitats. The children will explore the local area by taking part in walks around the locality of the school, exploring human and physical features, and creating simple maps.

Summer term - 'Unique United Kingdom'

This topic begins with a focus on England’s capital city, London. The children will learn about the events of the Great Fire of London and will become familiar with these events by participating in a workshop provided by The Rainbow Theatre. English work will include writing a newspaper report about the Great Fire. They will explore how London has changed over the centuries and also create a timeline from the 1500s to the present day, including monarchs and key events. The children will also learn about the other countries that make up the United Kingdom, locating them on a map and naming their capital cities.Seasonal work will continue, exploring and comparing the seasons of Spring and Summer, the change in day length and the weather. We will also recap on the months and seasons of the year, using the outside environment as much as possible. Science work will involve exploring the properties and uses of materials and using this knowledge in a range of investigations.

We look forward to spending the year with you!

Year 2 Team