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Durrington Infant and Junior Federated Schools

Infant and Junior Schools


In computing, we strive to prepare our children for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge, develop skills and become digitally literate in this modern, ever changing technological world. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in our children's lives, both at home and for future employment so we will model and educate our children on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely.



The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Can understand and apply the fundamental principles of computer science, including logic, algorithms, data representation, and communication
  • Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.



The school believes that IT and computing:

  • Are essential life skills necessary to fully participate in the modern digital world.
  • Gives pupils immediate access to a rich source of materials.
  • Can present information in new ways which help pupils understand access and use it more readily.
  • Can motivate and enthuse pupils.
  • Can help pupils focus and concentrate.
  • Offers potential for effective group working.
  • Has the flexibility to meet the individual needs and abilities of each pupil.


At Durrington Infant and Junior School our computing lessons are taught discretely in a weekly timetabled slot.  We have carefully selected the published scheme ‘Purple Mash’ to meet the needs of our children.  It is deliverable entirely online and is accessible on any electronic device, at home and at school.  Purple Mash supports our curriculum needs and we can tailor the units of learning to match the needs of the children and provide sufficient levels of challenge.  Our teaching staff also embed computing across the whole school curriculum to support children's creativity and cross-curricular learning to engage them and enrich their experiences in school.  Our Computing curriculum focuses on three strands; digital literacy, computer science and information technology with online safety woven throughout every strand.  The curriculum includes key concepts, which are spiral in nature, to ensure that children regularly re-visit prior learning before learning new skills.  This ensures connections are made from previous learning in order to help children learn new information.

The computing learning builds progressively to develop children’s understanding of the following key concepts:

  1. Computing systems and networks: (systems, networks and how they are used, the internet, hardware and software).  This links to the digital literacy strand.
  2. Programming: (interpreting, creating and evaluating algorithms, programming to accomplish specific goals, detecting and correcting errors). This links to the computer science strand.
  3. Data and information: (collecting, analysing, evaluating, presenting data and information).  This links to the information technology strand.
  4. Creating media: (design and development, communicating and collaborating online, evaluating online content, respectful and responsible communication, presenting, creating content).  This links to the information technology strand.


The impact and measure of our computing curriculum is to ensure that all children at Durrington Infant and Junior School are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to use technology safely and be ready to embark on their Key Stage 3 curriculum and for adult life in the ever-changing digital world.


Computing Policy